This is a blog about my experiences in bridge - bridge ethics, defensive problems, play problems, tournament results, junior bridge, and notes about canape, and Fantunes systems. Read about my computer ranking system for college football (Click college football under popular subjects or visit Asbury CFB Rankings and Predictions.), read Je Veux Voyager.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Minneapolis regional recap
There were numerous interesting hands from the weekend. Here is one that I have pondered upon a lot.
Matchpoints in the flight A barometer pairs, I was in 3NT after the following auction: 1C-1D-X-3D; 3NT-P-P-P.
I received a low diamond lead to the J and my Q. How would you play this?
There are a few options: heart toward dummy's Q; cross to dummy with a club then take spade finesse(s); bang down A and Q to be sure you get your 3 spade tricks. Apparently I chose wrong by playing spades immediately and not taking the finesse. Righty won the 2nd spade as lefty discarded his lowest heart, playing udca, and led another diamond. I figured ducking wouldn't help and may prematurely squeeze dummy so I took the ace and cashed the 2 good spades. Lefty squirmed a bit but eventually parted with the heart ten and a low diamond. Now I had 3 spades, 2 diamonds, 2 clubs, and a heart, so to make my contract, I decided to cash my clubs and put lefty in with a club. He had 3 winners to take but had to lead from the heart king at trick 12. I was pleased, until insaw that we got a 1 out of 8 on the board. Once he pitches a diamond, I certainly should place ace and a heart toward the Q as all signs indicate lefty is down to KJ of hearts. That'll get me 3 heart tricks and 10 total. And it seems pretty tempting for lho
to discard a club from Jxx but tlhe did well to hold on to that half-stopper.
Plus, I suppose, many people would get a heart honor lead after a 2NT opening and stayman auction. That unveils the heart position sooner and lets me take the spade finesse without concern that i won't have an entry to dummy's last spade.
My most fun auction of the tournament was this afternoon playing with Todd Fisher. I held QJ98x, Txxx, Jx, xx in 4th seat.
1NT - X - 2S - X
3D - X - 4C - P
P - X - P - P
4D - X - P - P
4S - P - P - X
P - P - P
+1700 and win 17. Partner's hand: A, Kx, KQ9xxx, AQxx. It's too bad we doubled them in 2H vulnerable and let them make to give back 13 imps. I had a sure defense to best it one trick but decided partner must have the king of clubs in which case we could get it for 800. He had shown up with 10 points in the other suits and had made a takeout double of 2H which I converted. With Q in dummy and A in my hand, I played him to have the K and gave up a trick.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
How do you sort your cards?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Dealer: E Vul: NS |
North | ||||
♠JT7 | |||||
♥AT4 | |||||
♦76 | |||||
♣Q7632 | |||||
West | ![]() |
East | |||
♠98 | ♠KQ42 | ||||
♥9532 | ♥KQ76 | ||||
♦983 | ♦KJ2 | ||||
♣KJT4 | ♣85 | ||||
South | |||||
♠A653 | |||||
♥J8 | |||||
♦AQT54 | |||||
♣A9 |
East opened 1♦ and I overcalled 1NT, partner invited and I declined. So, 2NT by south with the ♣4 opening lead. When east plays the 8 at trick one and I win my 9, it becomes like a double dummy hand. I mean, west could still have a J or even a Q outside clubs but I played for east to have everything outstanding and it worked amazingly here. With a mere 22 hcp and no 8 card fit, I rolled in 11 tricks. I cashed the ace of clubs to rid east of his only safe exit card and then led a spade to the J. East has no good counter. At the table, he returned a low diamond, hoping to find his partner with an honor but my 10 won the trick, and this time I put east in with a heart by letting the lack go. This time east exited with a spade, taken in dummy. Now, a repeated diamond finesse and the run of the diamonds squeezed east into unguarding one of his remaining major suit kings. +210 (via 5 diamonds, 2 clubs, 3 spades and a heart) for win 2 imps.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Apparently there are still people who play on Bridge Base in individual tournaments who don’t think 1NT-P-2D is a transfer to hearts. Yesterday, I was playing in one of these silly games when I was dealer and the auction went:
We had a 9 card heart fit and they went down 5 for the ridiculous total of 2800. The 2H bidder had like a 12 count with 4144 shape. I guess I can understand not bidding after I double 2H, but not bidding after the redouble seems quite odd. Some of the craziness that happens with randoms on BBO. At least they kept us out of 4H.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Teaching a Computer to Bid part 1
If there's one thing I've learned from working as a software engineer and redesigning an old and incredibly unorganized piece of software for the last few years is that knowing your requirements and having a detailed plan are essential to writing good code. Yet I jumped right in and started coding because I wanted to see some results right away.
I have also realized something about my programming interests. I dislike programming GUI's. I guess I actually knew this before. I never liked doing any kind of interface programming but I enjoy the algorithms and logic parts of software. So, this project is gonna be all text on the console unless someone else volunteers to write a GUI. I don't even want to think about programming a computer to actually play bridge - that has to be way harder than bidding.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Bidding with a solid minor
There are several questionable calls in this auction, and it is
unclear which if any of the bids are forcing. Which calls do you most
disagree with?
I think the 2nd and 3rd doubles are clearly worst. After that, we each
thought the other person had a stronger hand than he actually had and
we got a bit carried away.
On another, somewhat related topic, 1m-1M-3NT does not show a balanced
hand of any strength - they're all covered by other bids. It shows a
long running suit with stoppers in the unbid suit. This is standard, I
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Safety Play?
You're in 6S and your trump suit is Q97632 opposite AT85. You have all the side suit tricks so you just need to play spades for 1 loser. How do you do this? Do you make the same play at imps and matchpoints?
Playing low to the Q first is a safety play that guarantees the contract on any lie of the cards, but it also gives up the chance of an overtrick. If KJx is in front of the Q, the Q will win a trick. If KJx is behind the Q, you can finesse for the jack later.
Playing the A first goes down when KJx is behind the Q, an 11% chance. But it gains an overtrick when the K in singleton in either hand, a 26% chance.
At imps, the overtrick is worth 1 imp but going down costs 13 if non-vulnerable and 17 if vulnerable, so the odds overwhelmingly favor making the safety play. In matchpoints, it depends on how many pairs you think will be in the slam and how many people in the field you think will be in the slam. Most of the time, though, the odds still probably favor the safety play, especially if it's not an easy slam to reach.