I only
made it to Gatlinburg for the weekend. I thought I had a reasonable plans for
the weekend but all such plans somehow fell though and I would up playing the
Saturday-Sunday KO with Jim, Wendy, and Tom, who kept me down in bracket 3 (out of 4).
It’s kind of amazing how much attendance drops off – the KO that started Friday
had 15 brackets but only 4 in the KO starting Saturday. The midnight games were
fun as always as well and I was on the winning team both nights. I also enjoyed
playing against a Quebecois couple thrice in full KO and found a new favorite liquor - Fireball (cinnamon whiskey). This was an interesting
declarer play problem from Sunday.
Vul: None |
♠ J8
♥ T9xx
♦ Q
♣ KT98xx
♠ KT7x
♥ QJ8x
♦ AKx
♣ Qx
wasn’t as promising as I expected but there’s still a play for 3NT. 4♥
has no play being off 4 tops plus a spade ruff and a possible club ruff. The play started with a low spade to the A, then ♠Q
to my K with LHO discarding a discouraging diamond.
My ♣Q held trick 3 and LHO rose with the ♣A for trick 4 as RHO shed a spade. Next was a diamond
to dummy, taking out the entry to the clubs. There appear to be 9 tricks via 2
spades, 2 hearts, 3 diamonds, and 2 clubs if I knock out the heart honors now.
The last 2 hearts would provide the transportation to cash the ♣K in dummy and the pointed honors in hand. I can’t
afford to cash any of those before the hearts are knocked out because that
would set up the defense’s 5th trick to go along with the ♠A, ♥AK, and ♣A. However, my HQ was allowed to win trick 6 so I have
to arrange some sort of squeeze/endplay or have the good fortune of LHO having
both heart honors and no 4th diamond.
Not quite sure where I
wanted to end up after the last heart, I played low to the T and RHO’s K at
trick 7. She continued diamonds. Now I play LHO for the ♥A so cash the ♠T at trick 9. LHO is known
to have to discard from ♠-, ♥A, ♦xx, ♣Jx. Obviously he can’t
throw a heart but if he throws a diamond, I cash my last diamond and throw him
in with a heart, forcing him to give dummy the last 2 club tricks. If he throws
a club, I play HJ to throw him before taking the last diamond with the HT as an
entry to the now-good clubs.