So, to help
prepare for Myrtle Beach starting Thursday, here’s a fairly simple squeeze and
endplay from the Christmas Party at the Macon bridge club last week. I was in
3NT as west. I’m having a hard time reconstructing the auction, but I think it
started P-1♥-X-P; 1♠, so I had a good idea of where the
missing honors were.
Vul: NS |
♠ T7642
♥ 97532
♦ T
♣ 75
♠ AJ53
♥ 4
♦ J762
♣ T863
♠ 9
♦ AQ8
♣ K942
♠ KQ8
♥ T8
♦ K9543
north leads a 4th best spade to south’s Q. There are 7 sure tricks,
and there is potential for another trick in all suits. At trick 2, I led a
diamond to the ace and then the Q, seeing north shed the ♠2. In with
the ♦K, south cleared
spades, giving me trick #8 in the process. I discarded a pair of clubs from
dummy. Since the DT fell stiff, I would have a 9th trick in diamonds
via finesse for the 9 but the suit is blocked (just switch the 8 and 7 and my
troubles would be over). Regardless, it’s time to cash hearts. As expected,
south discards on the third round so we know south’s distribution: 3-2-5-3. At
trick 9, we cash the 4th heart and holding ♦ 954 ♣ AQ, she has no safe discard.
If she discards a club, I play a low club off dummy and the K becomes the 9th
trick. If she discards a diamond, I play ♦J
and a diamond to her 9 and she is endplayed to give dummy the ♣K at trick
Merry Christmas! And good luck if you’re going to a bridge tournament between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Sean and I will be trying to repeat as winners of the MABC New Year regional in Myrtle Beach.
GL in Myrtle Beach.