Thursday, November 12, 2009

Unusual bridge scores at the club tonight

-250 is one of those scores in bridge that tends to be very good because you’ve stolen something from the opponents or very bad because someone forgot a convention and the opponents didn’t rescue you. There’s only one way to get this score, by going down 5. We opened 1 weak NT 4 or 5 times tonight and except for the one hand where we went down 5, the results were pretty much on par. This one was a victory for the 11-14 NT. I opened Txx, ATxx, KTxx, Ax in 1st position none vul. I found lefty with a ratty 13-count including 5 spades to the KJ and he opted to pass, partner passed, and rho couldn’t come in with a 4333 13-count. I wouldn’t say either of them misbid their hands – they are both very marginal for interfering over 1NT, even a weak NT. They defended very well and all I took was the 2 aces. Needless to say, their side was cold for 5S with the diamond hook on.

-630 and -650 are both very normal, common scores, when the opponents are vulnerable, but when they're non-vul, you can be pretty sure these scores will get you a zero. None vul, I picked up: x, xxx, AQJxx, AKJx. RHO opened 1H, I overcall 2D, partner bids 2S, which I think shows some values and probably tolerance for diamonds, RHO bids 3H. I took another look at this maximum overcall and singleton in partner’s suit and doubled. Declarer’s hand: Axx, 8 solid, x, x, and dummy was nice enough to provide the K of spades for the 10th trick and 630 the hard way. My double is definitely a bit aggressive and if they were vul. I think it would be very reasonable at matchpoints as there rates to be a big MP difference in +200 and +100 but not between +100 and +50. I mean, it sounds like our side has 23-26hcp and no fit and no stopper in hearts, and they’re at the 3 level. There were 3 590's for 4HX making, so if I let partner compete to 4D, I could double 4H for 1.5 matchpoints on 5 top.

On the other amusing hand from tonight, LHO opened 1D, partner bid 2D Michaels (both majors), RHO bid, 2S (natural). My hand is: xx, QTx, 8xxxx, Axx. The auction progressed: P by me – 3D – 3H – P; P – 4D – P – P; 4H – 5D – P – P. What now? What is going on here? As you may have been able to guess, I doubled and they made 6, hence the 650. Declarer was 1-1-7-4 with the A of hearts, and dummy 5-3-1-4 with the A of spades, and, of course, they had all the high diamonds and clubs except the A. I guess I should get the picture that partner has a weak 5-6 or 6-6 hand and my 5 little diamonds won’t be any trouble for declarer. Once I bid 4H, I need to bid 5H, which is down 1, maybe 2 (I don’t remember whether we would be able to get out for only 1 spade loser or not). I doubt they take the push to 6D.

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