This is a blog about my experiences in bridge - bridge ethics, defensive problems, play problems, tournament results, junior bridge, and notes about canape, and Fantunes systems. Read about my computer ranking system for college football (Click college football under popular subjects or visit Asbury CFB Rankings and Predictions.), read Je Veux Voyager.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Beer Card Rules
If the following conditions are met, your partner owes you a beer:
1) You win trick 13 with the 7 of diamonds.
2) If you are declarer, you make your contract and overtricks are acceptable. If you are a defender, you defeat the contract.
3) Diamonds cannot be trumps.
4) You must take the best line of play or defense.
5) Defensive beers and beers in doubled contracts are worth 2 beers.
The beer card rules according to Paul, author of The Beer Card blog.
In the above hand, the lead was a standard 4th best 2 of clubs to the Q and my ace. Then diamond K, diamond J to north's ace, K of clubs, and another club. At this point I have 10 top tricks and would have to lose a heart trick at the end (thereby not being able to win a beer) if i simply take my 10 tricks. But this hand also presents a chance for a beer if I take a heart finesse. Taking a heart finesse will result in either making 9 tricks if it is offside or 11 tricks if it is onside. We "know" clubs are 4-4 and diamonds 2-2 so the heart finesse is still exactly 50% and therefore an equally good line of play as cashing out for 10 tricks. That is, of course, unless clubs are not 4-4. If lho has 5 clubs, taking a heart finesse is clearly superior and if lho led from a 3 card suit, cashing out is clearly superior, but I think the chances of this are extremely slim. A more common defense (north leading anything but a club when in with the diamond ace) holds it to 9 tricks (9 top tricks but declarer in matchpoints may opt for the heart finesse that could lead to down 1 or making 5), so by a matchpoint consideration, making 4 is already going to be slightly above average.
Needless to say, I discarded a high diamond from dummy on the 3rd round of clubs and took a heart finesse, soon claiming 9 tricks and a beer. Beer card issues aside, this is an interesting matchpoint strategy problem. Should you be satisfied with making 4 or go for the extra overtrick?
What is your understanding of the beer card rules? Does this hand qualify? Would it qualify only if the heart finesse wins?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Beer Opportunities Galore
Then, playing money bridge with a robot, I was in 4S here. I'm not sure my line was absolutely the best (I think it was) but it certainly worked this time. This is an interesting declarer play problem. I decided the best line was to take the ace at trick one, cash the ace of spades and the AKQ of clubs, pitching my heart. If someone ruffs with a spade honor, I'm probably in good shape to make. And if clubs are 3-2, I'm probably in good shape. Maybe the best line is to pay ace and another spade immediately, trying to hold it to 3 losers - 1 each in spades, hearts, and diamonds. And when the spade K falls stiff, does that change things? I think it makes it more likely for the person with 4 trumps to have a stiff or void in clubs and therefore might be more in favor of trying to draw trumps. But that only works if lho led a stiff diamond and rho has no entry, highly unlikely, if you assume lho would find the play underlead the heart ace. And I'll need to lead diamonds off dummy at some point to finesse for the 9 if they split 4-1. Eh. too many things to think about, so I went with the gut of drawing 1 trump, cashing Q-K-A of clubs. They ruff, cash DK, D ruff, ruff the H, pull last trump, end of story and taking the last trick with the D7 is easy.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Canape System Win
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Balancing Doubles in Canape
Another thing I’ve been thinking about is what does a balancing double in a canapé system show. Like 1D-(2C)-P-P-X? In standard, you would tend to have almost any non-freak hand without length in clubs. Maybe 3-4-4-2 or 4-4-4-1 or 4-3-5-1 shape, possibly even 3-3-5-2, and it could be an absolute minimum. In canapé, when 1D guarantees having not exactly 4 in either major, but guarantees an unbalanced hand, double as takeout doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. None of the 4 hand shapes I mentioned above are possible after a canapé opening. I mean, 4-3-5-1 is a possible shape but with 4 in the suit already bid, so 5-3-4-1 in this auction would be a possible holding. Do we really want to suggest that partner bid either major when we are 5-3?
But using insinuating doubles (basically negative doubles that only guarantee 3 in unbid majors) and negative free bids (1D-(2C)-2M = constructive w 5+), the need for opener to show any sort of major suit length when it is passes back to him isn’t so important. Perhaps it should be a penalty double but that doesn’t make sense because on the hands where you will want to defend 2CX, partner will have made an insinuating double. Maybe it should imply canapé with 5 in the suit below the overcaller’s suit plus tolerance (2 or 3) in the other suit. So, after 1D-(2C)-P-P, X can be 5-2-4-2 or 5-3-4-1 or 5-2-5-1. And After 1S-(2D)-P-P, X = 5 clubs (4-3-1-5 or 4-2-2-5). I think I’m gonna go with the latter for now. I think.
System Win
Whenever you’re playing a non-standard system, you’re bound to have situations where your system either leads you to a good or bad result, simply as a result of the system you play. The most common one that people are familiar with is the system wins and losses of playing a weak NT. You may win some boards when you open a weak NT simply because it’s more difficult for the opponents to compete and find their fit. By the same token, you have some system losses when your side misses our on a 4-4 major suit fit that the field may get to via 1m-1M-2M while your auction is 1NT-all pass.
I recall very few instances when canapé has produced a system loss. There was that one time Sean opened 2C on 4 small clubs with 6 hearts to the AKQ and got to play 2C while anyone else has no problem getting to hearts. While it is a fun opening bid (11-16 hcp with 6+ clubs OR 4 clubs and a 5 card major), disasters like this can occur because responder needs more values to bid over it than over a 1minor opening. Anyway, 6-4’s with a clubs probably should be treated as one suiters unless the 6 card suit is really weak.
Last weekend Sean and I played a good bit, really getting the grasp of the Polish club canapé concoction I started last Wednesday. And despite 8 clear-cut errors (almost all defensive) over 2 sessions at the club, we had a combined 64.5% score. A lot of that can be attributed to the several system wins we had. Right-siding the NT, although that is pretty much just luck, opening canapé which prohibits LHO from making a takeout double, having the opponents make offshape takeout doubles of our canapé openings that land them in opener’s best suit (this happens more than you’d expect), having sound 2M openings that put us in a better place when deciding how to act over interference and being able to make better game decisions, are among the system wins. But we do play a 15-17 NT and the 1C opening usually is a weak NT so those auctions tend to be very normal.
I was playing another canapé system with Shaz on Sunday, which I actually liked as well. 1M openings are exactly 4 cards unbalanced, 1D is canapé or balanced min or balanced max, 2M is 5+ and 2m is 6+, 15-17 NT, strong club, I think.
One hand I particularly liked from Saturday with Sean this heart slam:
Our auction: 1C-2D-(3C)-3S-4H-5H-6H
Not a terribly scientific auction but it got the job done.
1C was 12-14 bal, or 17+ unbal, or 18+ bal
2D was 8+ w/ long diamonds or 4D and a 5+ card major, the least efficient bid in our system
3S natural, confirming a 17+ hand
4H longer hearts than diamonds, probably 6 in this case
5H do you have a club control
6H yes
In 2/1, you’d have a hard time getting to slam, I expect. The auction would surely start: 1S-1NT-(3C)-3H. North won’t feel comfortable bidding anything but 4H because now the lead is going right through his club king.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Triple Squeeze
Dealer: West Vul: none |
Gideon | ||||
♠ | A863 | ||||
♥ | AQ632 | ||||
♦ | T6 | ||||
♣ | 93 | ||||
Andre | ![]() |
Shaz | |||
♠ | 97 | ♠ | 542 | ||
♥ | JT87 | ♥ | 954 | ||
♦ | K32 | ♦ | Q954 | ||
♣ | AK62 | ♣ | J85 | ||
Howard | |||||
♠ | KQJT | ||||
♥ | K | ||||
♦ | AJ87 | ||||
♣ | QT74 |
West | North | East | South |
1♦ | 2♥ | Pass | 2NT |
Pass | 3NT | Pass | Pass |
Pass |
In reality, Shaz played the ♣J, which I agree with, covered and won by me. And I returned a low club, sadly not finding partner with the 10. So the ♣9 was Howard's 9th trick, but now with this ending and me being marked with all the remaining high cards from the bidding, it's a fairly easy squeeze to execute to make 4. Declarer cashes the ♥K and the rest of the spades, ending in dummy. Before the play of the last spade, here's the situation.
Dealer: Vul: |
Gideon | ||||
♠ | A | ||||
♥ | AQ63 | ||||
♦ | 6 | ||||
♣ | |||||
Andre | ![]() |
Shaz | |||
♠ | ♠ | ||||
♥ | JT8 | ♥ | 95 | ||
♦ | K2 | ♦ | 954 | ||
♣ | A | ♣ | 8 | ||
Howard | |||||
♠ | T | ||||
♥ | |||||
♦ | AJ8 | ||||
♣ | T7 |
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Psyching with a GIB: Bad Idea
Friday, June 18, 2010
Opening Bid Frequencies
Now that my computer program can now reliably open the bidding and reliably make responder's first call in standard, canape precision, and canape polish club, I ran some simulations to see how frequently each opening call is used. Well, it can respond when the opening bid is 1C or 1NT. Looking at only the north hand in 200,000 deals, a 1NT opener was dealt 4.05% of the time while a 12-14 NT was dealt 9.07% of the time. In standard bidding, 42.89% of the hands resulted in some opening bid, 7.61% of which were preempts or weak 2 bids. In canape precision and canape polish club, only 39.73% and 39.44% of the hands were opened. This is almost entirely attributable to the more constructive weak 2 bids that I have adopted for use with canape - something on the order of 8-11 hcp with 2 of the top 4 honors instead of the 5-10 range that I used for a standard weak 2. Thus, in the canape systems, 4.12% of the hands were opened with some sort of a preempt.
In standard (opening 1C with 3-3, 1D with 4-4 or 5-5, and the longer suit otherwise), 1D was the most frequent opening bid at 8.72% with 1C not far behind at 8.20%. In both canape systems, 1C was overwhemingly the most frequent opening bid. I am somewhat surprised by this. In the Canape Polish club system, 1C is opened with all balanced 12-14s, balanced 18+, and all hands over 17 hcp (not using the variation that it could be 15-17 with 5+ clubs) so it makes sense that 1C would be opened 15.13% of the time. And of the hands opened 1C, 59.93% of them are of the balanced 12-14 variety. This would suggest that if you're defending against the Polish club, it's probably best to treat it as natural (2+) since if you have a good hand as LHO, it only increases the probability that the 1C opener has the balanced minimum.. Behind this, 1D, 1H, and 1S (which all have exactly the same requirements with the suits switched) and 1NT (15-17) are all opened between 3.80% and 4.18% of the deals. 2C isn't far behind at 3.54%. The requirements for opening 2C are basically the same as for 1D/H/S but sometimes we may suppress the 4 card club suit and treat the hand as a major one-suiter. In canape precision, where 1C is opened on all 16 hcp hands, that bid is made 11.48% of the time. This still seems a bit high to me but I can't find a flaw in the programming and don't feel like doing the math to determine if this is what it's theoretically supposed to be (even though that math isn't all that hard).
Another thing I was interested in looking at is how frequently the responses to 1C are used. These looked at only the south hand on the deals that 1C was opened. In the Canape Polish club system, 1D, which is 0-7 (but not 0-4 with a 6 card major) or 8-11 blanced, was bid 62.60% of the time. 1H/S/NT are all used about equal around 7.5%. In Canape Precision, the 1D response (0-7, but not 0-4 w/ 6M, OR 13+ 4441) is made 54.49% of the time. 1S at 15.43% is clearly the next most common response because it is a balanced 8-10 or 14+. hmm.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Polish Club Canape
There are 2 downsides that I see. Opening NT is 15-17. Okay, not really a downside. It's just totally normal while nothing else in this system (when we get to open the bidding) is normal. and the auction 1C-1D-2D is too difficult to handle. In this case, opener is 17-21 with long diamonds or (4 diamonds and a longer side suit), a lot like our 1D opening which is 11-16 with long diamonds or (4 diamonds and a longer suit). Responder could have up to 11 if balanced, 7 if unbalanced, and may be fearful of bidding on without significant values. We may find ourselves in an inferior diamond fit when everyone else has no problem getting to the 5-3 or 5-4 major suit fit.
Our 1D through 2C opening bids are basically the same as before, but now the max is 16 hcp instead of 15 - they all are one-suited in the suit bid or 4 in the suit bid with a longer side suit. 2D is still mini-roman, now 13-16 instead of 12-15. 2M openings are 8-12 with a 6 card suit. 1NT is 15-17 instead of 12-15. the big change is that 1C is now either 12-14 balanced OR 18+ balanced OR 17+ unbalanced instead of any 16+.
There are a couple of big upsides in that it's fun and the opponents may not know how to react. I suppose most will or should treat it like a natural 1C, but I don't really know. I don't recall every actually playing against anyone playing a Polish club system.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
District 7 GNT
Monday, June 14, 2010
Bridge Etiquette - Asking About Opponents' Bids
On board 2, LHO looks at our convention card for about 30 seconds, puts it back where I had it, and asks "Do you play 2/1?" "It's at the top of the damn card that you were just looking at." No, don't respond like that either (a simple yes sufficed).
Third board, white vs. red, it's 2 passed to me and I open a weak 2♥ on a 2-6-3-2 12 count. They somewhat rationally bid to 4♠ and go down 2. Had I opened 1♥ they may have done 1 trick better and may have stayed out of game. Actually our teammates were making 3♥ our way so it was a 2 imp gain. Anyway, LHO was visibly upset that I had a little more than anyone else at the table expected me to have. But of course, our card is marked very light 3rd seat and very light preempts so this bid is clearly within range.
Fourth board, I open 1♣ , LHO passes, partner bids 1♥, RHO passes, I bid 2♥, LHO asks if 1♣ was natural (yes), partner bids 4♥, all pass. Not surprisingly, LHO has 6 clubs and RHO dutifully leads a ♣. Nothing really mattered on this hand and it was a push and we didn't comment on the unauthorized information given to RHO.
Next board, LHO opens 1♥, two passes, and I balance with 2♣. Partner bids 3NT and LHO jumps in his seat and noticeably shakes his head. RHO dutifully leads not a heart from Kx. Again the lead didn't make a difference and he made 5 for a push and no comment was made about the UI. Yes, on this auction, my partner tends to have something like a trap pass (with very good hearts) or a takeout double of 1♣ (and therefore probably 4 hearts) so a heart lead is often not right in this situation, but LHO's body language conveyed his bad heart suit quite clearly.
Last board of the set, LHO opens 1♦, partner doubles, RHO passes, I bid 1♠, LHO asks if the X was takeout. He competes to 3♦ and I compete to 3♠ , making. I guess there's not really any unauthorized information given by asking if it's a takeout double, it is just odd. I dunno.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Tip of the day: Be Aware of Partner's Problems
you can to help him defend properly. A good example came up today. You
hold KQx, xxxx, xxx, Qxx. 3rd seat favorable vulnerability you open 1S
and the auction proceeds X-3S-4H-all pass. Dummy has Axx in spades and
a scattered 16. Your SK holds trick one and partner encourages. Do not
continue with the queen. Continue with a low spade so partner will not
have to guard spades. Not only does he have more minor suit cards to
protect, but he will never get the count in spades right.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
GIB programming flaw
AKQJ, AKxxx, T, AKQ. It opens 2C, I bid 2H, which it said showed 5+
hearts and 8+ points. It bid 4NT, rkc for hearts. I bid 5D, 1 or 4.
GIB passes and I luckily go down only 1 because I was 5-5 in the reds
w HQ and DA and DJ. Needless to say, there were 13 top tricks in
hearts or nt. Cost me $23.20.
When to take a Safety Play?
North | |
♠ | KJxx |
♥ | Jxx |
♦ | xxx |
♣ | Axx |
![]() |
South | |
♠ | Axx |
♥ | AKQxx |
♦ | Ax |
♣ | xxx |
Let us consider another line of play, a line that is only available on a non-club lead, for a club lead would cut out an entry to dummy. What are the percentages of playing the K and A of spades first and then leading low towards the jack? This will never get 4 spade tricks because if the Q falls, the suit cannot split 3-3, so it essentially gives up the chance of an overtrick, but does it fact make the contract more likely to succeed. This line will make 4 77% of the time: any 3-3 split (36%), any other time the Q is onside (32%), Q or QX offside (9%). You will go down 23% of the time: RHO with at least 4 spades including the Q. On average this makes 3.77 tricks, slightly worse then the previous line.
In other words, playing the AK first wins an extra trick (and makes the contract when the other way goes down) when east has Qx of spades (8%), and the finesse wins an overtrick when west has Qxx (16%).
So, how do you decide what line of play to take? In a matchpoint game? In imps? In matchpoints, you should consider how likely the field is to be in the same contract. In this case 4♥ seems to be an easy and normal contract to reach so you probably should try for the maximum number of tricks. In an average game, the field will take the straight up finesse and the matchpoints to be won by taking the safety play when it wins should be about equal to the matchpoints lost when it loses, relative to the straight finesse. If you decide that a significant portion of the field will be in a partscore or in 3NT making only 3, you would be even more concerned with making the contract for just making would already be a good score.
In imps, it's a little different. You don't care so much about the 1 imp you could win by making an overtrick but you care about not losing the 10 or 12 imps (Depending on vulnerability) when you go down and they make at the other table. If the probability of making an overtrick is 10 or 12 times as big as the potential gain from a safety play, then it's an even chance, but this time the ratio is 2:1. By taking the safety play as opposed to the normal finesse at the other table, you'll push the board 76% of the time, win 1 imp 16% of the time, and lose 10 or 12 imps 8% of the time, so in this form of scoring, it's clear to take the safety play.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Score of the Day: 970
The auction went: 1S-2H-P-P; 2S-P-P-X; P-P-P
West led the king of diamonds. I drew trumps, passed the heart 9, then played heart to the Q, heart A, pitching a club, diamond, covered, and won with the 7 falling from west.
In other news, playing Lebensohl and Minorwood, what is 4D in this sequence: P-2H-X-3D; P-4D?? Basically, is it invitational or Minorwood (roman key card blackwood for diamonds)? Those are pretty much the only two reasonable options. Even though 3D promises constructive values, I think there is a strong case that doubler actually just wants to invite game in diamonds. That's a hand that would probably come up more often than wanting to explore for a slam in diamonds, but 3H is available as a try for game. Advancer may still have good hearts and want to play 3NT and effectively 4D after 3H would be not accepting a game try. Maybe. I eventually agreed that 4D should be minorwood, clearly exploring for a slam. 3H would be the start of any game-try by doubler. On the actual hand tonight, I passed 4D with: xx, xxx, AQxxx, xxx. Partner had a 2 loser hand: AKQJxx, x, Kx, AKQx. Needless to say, 6S was the place to be.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tip of the Day: Know Your System
Kx, Qxxx, KJTxxx, x. both vul, I opened a 3rd seat 2D, alerted as mini-roman. the auction proceeded 3C-3H-3NT-P-P-P. And I led a heart, obviously. And now declarer has 9 top tricks. Partner has Ax of diamonds and declarer Qxx. Perhaps they would have been entitled to some redress if I led a diamond but I doubt it. Perhaps they have a valid argument that I have to lead a heart on this sequence or that partner has to shift at trick 2, "knowing" that declarer has 5 diamonds but I really doubt it. The only redress I can possibly see is being required to bid 4H, but only if partner was not a passed hand. eh.
When is it too late to catch a revoke
I had: xx, KQT9, xx, AKxx. Against a good pair at the Atlanta club, Sean opened a canape 1D, I bid 1H, he bid 2H, I bid 4H. Dummy: Qx, Axxxx, QJTx, xx. LHO leads a high diamond spot. It goes A, K , 3rd diamond. I ruff with the K, draw trumps in 2 rounds, pitch a spade on the good diamond, lose a spade, ruff a spade, claim making 4. We played the next hand, after that hand, RHO begins wondering where the 13th diamond was. Apparently I had it the whole time and didn't even realize it, so we change the score to -100, which seems appropriate to me. Some discussion, not involving Sean or I takes place, rule books were consulted, and was determined that once they had bid the the following board, the previous one couldn't be adjusted.