Monday, April 5, 2010

BBO Weekend

Despite my weekend not starting until 9pm Friday and having my parents over Saturday night and Easter stuff Sunday, I managed to play nearly 200 bridge hands this past weekend and none with the GIB.

39 with Adam (mtvesuvius)
34 with Sean (dude2010)
28 with Bob
21 with Ramesh (godot79)
19 with random
14 with Owen (olien)
11 with Emory (emoryw)
11 with Carol (h2omom)
7 with Gideon (serapuff)
53.8% in 97 matchpoint deals
+43.74imps in 87 imp deals

Probably my favorite hand of them all was doubling Val and Sean in 2 in the hand shown. We needed a win on this board to push the 8 board BAM. I was east and I found the A opening lead, followed by , ruff. Eventually we collected our 3 tricks and 2 tricks, and a for down 4 and +800.

That is all. I don’t feel like writing much today, which means I must be reasonably happy today.


  1. If you hadn't played with me, you would have been +67 imps in 76 boards. :)

  2. hmm. clearly there wasn't a correlation between scores and how good a partner I had.
